Historically Speaking
It was a year of pirates in speedboats,
anonymous bullies spreading privacies
on the Internet, and the worst of them
It was a year of pirates in speedboats,
anonymous bullies spreading privacies
on the Internet, and the worst of them
The dolphin was all undulation,
riding its whims and churning
the ocean, dorsal fin and bottlenose
When it comes to the underworld
and the fragility of guesswork,
what makes us think the dead
She was thinking it was time
to be naked again, to take something off
If a lone feather fell from the sky,
like a paper plane wafting down
from a tree house where a quiet boy
Down from the mountains of Appalachia
and the highs of new love
I’ve come across the extended monotonies
The door had a double lock,
and the joke was on me.
You might call it protection
He was always so interestingly wrong.
I loved him, in fact for years couldn’t live
without him, he who helped crystallize
One day it will vanish,
how you felt when you were overwhelmed
by her, soaping each other in the shower,
Something to drink helps, of course, and humor must live
even on that dark corner where once
your life was threatened. Something in the voice, in the telling,
must signal I am safe now and am trying
My neighbor was a biker, a pusher, a dog
and wife beater.
In bad dreams I killed him
If you, X, take this woman, Y
and if you, Y, take this man, X,
you two who have taken each other